Proto Man is selectable from the get-go, with a more fleshed-out game experience with story interludes and access to the in-game shop. Mega Man 10 includes many options that were DLC in Mega Man 9 and builds upon them. Their efforts must be swift, since one of the critically infected robots is none other than Roll. Mega Man agrees to help collect the stolen parts to the medicine-making machine, with Proto Man arriving to join to the cause. Light’s front yard after supposedly being ransacked by rogue Robot Masters while working on a cure. Naturally, the mad doctor denies any involvement in this outbreak. Wily that permeates the Mega Man X series. A computerized robotic virus known as Roboenza infects and disables machines across the globe, turning many of them violent, much akin to the Maverick Virus created by Dr. Using the exact engine and many assets from the prior digital release, the 10th numerical console title in the series serves as a bridge and homage to the entire run, with nods to the Game Boy interquels. After Mega Man 9 made such a big splash for retro fans, Capcom was highly eager to follow up their success with another 8-bit style sequel in hopes to top themselves.